Disrupt Yourself

It’s now late January, and maybe, just maybe you’re still thinking about what you want to do in 2022.

Courtesy of CEO Magazine, one of their more original ideas is to disrupt yourself. And, of course, they have several ideas about what you might do to rethink what you do in ’22.

  1. Think like a new business. Maybe what you’re doing as a company or as the CEO/owner is the same things you’ve done for years (I encounter people like this all the time). What did you do as a startup that you’re not doing now?
  2.   Commit to an experiment, whether it’s a new product/service line of a new way of doing something in your business. Maybe it’s a new service. Set a time line to get the service launched and evaluated.
  3. Be generous with your team, and not just your senior management. Not necessarily with monty, but maybe survey them all to see if they’re happy. Happy people make a happy company, and happy customers which means growth.
  4. Get some of your most enthusiastic employees to lead the rethinking…. it’s not necessarily just your responsibility.  If they know they’re driving the project, they might work harder, better and smarter.

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