New for ’22

I got a seminar requrest for attendance from a webinar house a couple of days ago wanting me to attend a seminar on 5 things to be aware of in 2022.

Most of the five items had nothing to do with marketing or sales. One was people related, one was fixing processes, and one was leadership related. The other two didn’t even make my top of mind.

If you don’t improve marketing and fix sales, your company isn’t going to grow, your competitors might run over you and life won’t be as much fun.

Not that being an entrepreneur is a day at the beach.

We continue to see problems with websites, usually that they’re not locally focused, are hard to use, or the design isn’t too functional.

And it’s even happened to one client, sorry to say. His sales have gone down in one division because he hasn’t fixed that division’s website in two or three years, and I wasn’t too happy with the design the last time.

And he wants to sell the company. Potential purchasers will spot this website weakness a mile off.

So, another client, whose websites I like (he’s done three for me) is fixing the division’s website.


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